Wednesday, June 15, 2011

And so it begins...

Hi. My name is Sam and I'm unemployed.

"Hi Sam," responds the similarly disaffected group around me.

Sometimes, the very admission of my unemployed status lifts a weight off my shoulders, as though my dirty secret has been aired out to dry. Other times, it leaves me in fear of the stigma that some, myself sometimes included, will thereafter attach to me. Do people question what got me into this situation? "What did she do wrong?" This stigma, whether self-inflicted or real, makes me wish for an AA-style forum, full of anonymous acceptance, understanding, and the errant success story of gainful employment.

My outlook is definitely not all doom and gloom. It's hard to be gloomy sitting on a sunny patio sipping an iced mate latte (as I currently am). I'm actually feeling a bit bi-polar about the whole thing. I bounce between euphoria over the endless possibilities the future holds, and despair over the loss of a job I held for almost three years (and over the lack of funds in my bank account). The way I was let go was really the most hurtful and disappointing part about this whole experience, but I'm not going to turn this blog into an angry and desperate rant. Thanks to this whole experience, I have a clearer view of what kind of company I want to work for, and how I want to be treated as an employee. Here's what I know:
  • I will not work for a company that doesn't value its employees and their ideas. I want to be empowered to take personal ownership over the company's success, and not be micro-managed into complacency and mediocrity.
  • I will work for a company that appreciates and thrives on creativity and forward-thinking, not one that tries to fit me into a stifling, archaic mold.
  • I will not work for a company whose ethics don't align with my own. I can't spend 40 hours a week doing something I don't feel good about.
  • I will work for a company that makes efforts to operate in an environmentally responsible way. That means little things, like no ridiculously wasteful packaging, shipping and printing practices. I'd like to be able to ask people to "consider the environment before printing this email" in my signature line (my last employer made me remove this as it didn't "represent what the company stands for." Seriously.)
With these goals in mind, I'm looking forward to taking on the future. I'm meeting a lot of great people and am excited to share my experiences, tips and tricks along the way. I'm also finding new, cheap and free ways to enjoy all that Denver has to offer.

The sunshine and beautiful summer breeze are helping me de-stigmatize myself. Maybe I'll even change my greeting...
Hi. My name is Sam and I'm excited to be here.

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